A MARRIAGE PROPOSAL Directed by Florence Sperry THE OLD LADY SHOWS HER MEDALS Directed by Nina Whitacre February THE DRUMS OF OUDE Directed by Sally Craig PINK AND PATCHES Directed by Jessie Arthur TIES Written and Directed by Maluan Gilpin March GLORIA MUNDI Directed by Clara Low THE CRIMSON TIDE Directed by Eugene Towler June THE GUARDSMAN Directed by Leslie Crump October THE UNDERDOG Directed by Florence Sperry POOR OLD JIM Directed by Sally Craig December AREN'T WE ALL? Directed by Leeman Browne |
MR. SAMPSON Directed by Martha Gross Plumb THE MAN IN THE BOWLER HAT Directed by T. Willard Towler March JOHN FERGUSON Directed by Harold Haskins and Leslie Crump April THE GLORIFIED FREAK Directed by Clara Low THE TRAVELERS Directed by Lois Towler May THE CUP OF TEA Directed by Jessie Arthur THE GRILL Directed by Moses Craig June MR. SIMPSON Directed by Sally Craig October RELEASE Directed by J. Branch Darby BETWEEN THE SOUP AND THE SAVORY Directed by Pauline Senez December THE DEVIL'S DISCIPLE Directed by Leslie Crump |
THE FIRST YEAR Directed by R. R. Barrett March THE TERRIBLE WOMAN Directed by Martha Gross Plumb IF MEN PLAYED CARDS AS WOMEN DO Directed by Florence Sperry THE BARRINGTONS' Directed by Clara Low CDC FIRST REVUE OF 1927 Directed by Sarah Craig NOT BY A DAM SIGHT Directed by Clara Low April THE ELDEST Directed by Clare Bates COMPENSATION or A BIT OF REAL LIFE Directed by Maluan Gilpin May THE BOARD TRIES TO PLEASE EVERYONE Directed by Clara Low June THE HAUNTED HOUSE Directed by Anne Revere October CONFESSION Directed by Sarah Craig POOR AUBREY Directed by Carolyn Franklin November GOOD THEATRE Directed by Florence Sperry WHERE THE CROSS IS MADE Directed by Nina Whitacre |
NO GREATER LOVE Directed by Louise Christy THE WEAK SPOT Directed by Lillian McGrayne April POMANDER WALK Directed by Portia Martin June THE THIRD INGREDIENT Directed by Clare Bates THAT CHARMING MISS GREEN Directed by Sarah Craig October WHEN THE WHIRLWIND BLOWS Directed by Henry Chapin ON THE PARK BENCH Directed by Elizabeth Garrison November THE FRONT DOOR Directed by Vera Smith |
THE GIANTS' STAIR Directed by Clara Low Entered in NY Little Theatre Tour. ACTION Directed by Lucy Young March THE CROW'S NEST Directed by Harriet Chapin JOAN, THE MAID Directed by Anne Truslow April THE GIANT'S STAIR Benefit performance for the Cranford Canoe Club May THE GIANT'S STAIR N.Y. Little Theatre Tournament June FAKIRS AND ART Directed by John Doniphan KEMPY Directed by Sarah Craig and Sally Sheldon November THE BATHROOM DOOR Directed by Harold Haskins TWO CROOKS AND A LADY Directed by Florence Sperry December THE KILLER Directed by Marion Herrick THE FLATTERING WORD Directed by Martha Plumb |
THE SAVING GRACE Directed by William Hicks February THE MASTER OF THE HOUSE Directed by Florine Beardslee THURSDAY EVENING Directed by Adeline Hall March TICKLESS TIME Directed by Julia Cruikshank THE PLAYGOERS Directed by Margaret Hansel April THE STRING OF THE SAMISEN Directed by Louise Christy MRS. PAT AND THE LAW Directed by Maluan Gilpin June THE DICTATOR Directed by Moses Craig November THE WASP Directed by Henry Chapin THE END OF THE DANCE Directed by Emilie Sanderson A CANNIBAL LOVE AFFAIR Directed by Sarah Craig and Clare Bates December THE VALIANT Directed by Martha Plumb THE POTBOILER Directed by Etta Smith |
TORCHES Directed by Mrs. John Low Entered into NY Drama League SHAM Directed by Mrs. Robert Miller February RED AND YELLOW Directed by Moses A. Craig THE ROBBERY Directed by Karl Herrick March THE SLUMP Directed by Mrs. Moses Craig ARIA DA CAPO Directed by Margaret Low April THE FLORIST SHOP Directed by Emilie Sanderson WRONG NUMBERS Directed by Jeanette Hahlo May THE CHAMPION Directed by William Hicks October OVER THE HILLS Directed by Carolan Sloan A LATE DELIVERY Directed by William Buckley December PASSE Directed by Arnold Addoms JOINT OWNERS IN SPAIN Directed by Emilie Sanderson |
MARRIAGES ARE MADE IN HEAVEN AND ELSEWHERE Directed by Mrs. Mortimer Gross THE WONDER HAT Directed by Lois Towler At the Casino February
TRIFLES Directed by Mr. George Bates BEAUTY AND THE JACOBIN Directed by Carl Mason WHAT NEVER DIES Directed by Maluan Gilpin April
A GAME OF CHESS Directed by A. Addoms HELENA'S HUSBAND Directed by Mrs. E. Sprole June
THE WITCHING HOUR Directed by Harold Haskins November
THE TWELVE POUND LOCK Directed by Mrs. John Garrison COOKS AND CARDINALS Directed by Mrs. Thomas Stephens December
SUPPRESSED DESIRES Directed by Miss Emilie Sanderson THE TEETH OF THE GIFT HORSE Directed by Mrs. George Hansel |
THE IDEAL HUSBAND Directed by Mrs. Luta Slocum At the Casino February
WHERE BUT IN AMERICA Directed by Warren Strode DUST OF THE ROAD Directed by Mrs. John Low At the Casino March
NEIGHBORS Directed by Miss Majorie Pierce FLORETTE & CO. Directed by Miss Mabel Hearon At the Casino April
OVERTONES Directed by Mrs. Henry West THE CLOD Directed by Harold Haskins At the Casino June
THE MAN FROM HOME Directed by Harold Haskins At the Casino October
PUNK Directed by William Nagle, Jr. THE OTHER VOICE Directed by Moses Craig DEAR LITTLE WIFE Directed by Florence Breckenridge At the Casino November
A HAPPY DAY Directed by Mrs. Etta Smith A TANGLED WEB Directed by Mr. Doniphan At the Casino |
BARBARA Directed by Mrs. Willard Towler At the home of Mrs. J. Ross Bates February
SPREADING THE NEWS At the Blue Bird Tea Room March
MISS CIVILIZATION Directed by Mrs. Frank Young At the home of Mrs. Charles F. Hansel April
WHAT ARE THEY FIGHTING FOR? Directed by Miss Majorie Pierce At the home of Judge Carleton B. Pierce May
GREEN STOCKINGS Directed by Robert H. Whiton At Cleveland School October
TWO CROOKS AND A LADY Directed by Miss Florence Breckenridge At the home of Mrs. Frederick G. Sykes November
ENTER THE HERO Directed by T. Willard Towler At the home of Mrs. William Sperry December
A WELL-REMEMBERED VOICE Directed by Mrs. John S. Garrison THE FOUR FLUSHERS Directed by Mrs. M. A. Craig At the Casino |
1928-30 Mr. Lisle R. Beardslee
1926-28 Mr. R. Robinson Barrett
1925-26 Mr. James D. McNeekan
1924-25 Mr. Moses Craig
1923-24 Mr. Henry J. Chapin
1921-23 Mr. William W. Buckley
1920-21 Mr. Arnold H. Addoms
1926-28 Mr. R. Robinson Barrett
1925-26 Mr. James D. McNeekan
1924-25 Mr. Moses Craig
1923-24 Mr. Henry J. Chapin
1921-23 Mr. William W. Buckley
1920-21 Mr. Arnold H. Addoms